
Talking to Strangers

I'm going to express how I truly feel about something and I really hope that people will take this to heart!

When I was little, maybe four or five my parents taught me something very important, Do not talk to strangers!
If someone other than my parents were picking me up for school, I would ask them for the password and if they didn't know it, I knew that it wasn't OK to leave with them. If my sisters and I were playing outside, one of our parents was there with us. I don't know that I ever fully understood why we had a password or why we were under constant supervision but I now appreciate all my parents did to protect me when I was younger.

I am completely disturbed by the number of sex offenders in our country (over 600.000) and in South Carolina alone there are over 11,000!!! Hello, there is a major problem here!

Also, the number of missing children is out of control as well! 800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,000 children reported missing each day.

I know a large number of the missing children are abducted by a family member or someone they know and this statistic does include runaways but even still we should be so careful!

If you do any of these things I'm about to mention...reevaluate! I understand that you can't always keep and eye on your children or protect them constantly but I believe that we should do as much as we can to protect them and then all that is left to do is to trust God.

First, we aren't living in the 50's or the 60's or for that matter even the 90's! You must not let your kids roam the toy section at Wal-Mart alone, or walk home from school alone, or play outside without supervision! It takes just a second for someone to kidnap a child! (Most females who are abducted are murdered within 24 hours).

Secondly, don't have a double standard! Don't tell your kids not to talk to strangers and then post their name and gender on the back of your car, or for that matter just their gender!!

When I see these stickers I think about just how much information has been given! All some creep would have to say to your child is, "Oh, Izze I found your cat Tigger, you should come with me!" I mean really! or Hi, Jonah, I'm know your dad Pete we are good friends!" In my opinion, this is the equivalent of serving your child to a predator on a silver platter!
I know some people are going to think that this is not a reality but it is dangerous and you really can not trust other people!

Know what your kids are doing online and on their cell phones!

Parents should have the passwords to their kids Facebook and Myspace accounts. If they don't want you to have the passwords, they shouldn't have the privilege of using the Internet. I also think parents should keep track of who your kids are texting and and talking to no instant messenger! Having a cell phone and using the Internet are both privileges and the parent should have total control!

Also, know who your kids are hanging out with and know the parents of the kids your children are hanging out with! Along these same lines, if you use daycare ask if they do background checks on all the workers and do your own background checks if necessary. In the past I would get so mad at my parents when I was a teenager because there were times that they would say "No, you can stay the night with that person", or "I don't think you should hang out with them." I understand now that my parents knew a lot more about the situation than I did and though I was ungrateful then I am so thankful now!

Lastly, Talk to your children ask them questions. Let them know that they can talk to you about anything.

I know that I am not a parent but I feel like people are underestimating the dangers that face our children today! Take this to heart and please keep your children close!